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Did you know that James Dean was born on February 8th, 1931 in Marion, Indiana and that he was killed in an automobile accident on September 30th, 1955 in Paso Robles, California?

Did you know that Winstons and Chesterfields were James Dean's favorite brands of cigarettes?

Did you know that James Dean's parents, Mildred and Winton Dean, named him after James Amick, an assistant surgeon at the Marion VA Hospital?

Did you know that James Whitcomb Riley was James Dean's favorite poet and Frank Sinatra and Renata Tebaldi were his favorite singers?

Did you know that James Dean's neck size was 15 1/2 and his shoe size was 9E?

Did you know that the only jewelry James Dean wore was a silver identification bracelet, a black-faced wristwatch and several pairs of cuff links?

Did you know James Dean's favorite ice cream was a combination of coffee and raspberry?

Did you know that James Dean earned a $10 flat fee for a Pepsi commercial he did in 1950 and $1,500 per-week salary for the movie "Giant" in 1955?

Did you know that as an adult, James Dean owned a Palomino he named Cisco the Kid?

Did you know that James Dean had malaria while filming "Rebel Without A Cause?"

Did you know that his astrological sign was Aquarius and that he had a fear of flying?

Did you know that James Dean never owned a Mercury, the car often associated with him because he drove one in the film "Rebel Without A Cause?"

Did you know that James Dean could barely see without his glasses and that he was near-sighted?

Did you know that Coke was James Dean's last drink?

Did you know it cost $56.14 to transport James Dean from the site of his fatal accident to the Paso Robles hospital on Sept. 30, 1955?

Did you know it took 12 jurors 20 minutes to determine Dean died of a fractured neck and other injuries as a result of speeding?

Did you know James Dean was wearing a white T-shirt, a red jacket and light blue pants the day he was killed?

Did you know that James Dean's estate included two pairs of cuff links, an inscribed traveling clock, a wristwatch, a silver perfume flask, an ID bracelet, three racing trophies, a Marlin .22 rifle, a set of three bongo drums, a red leather suitcase and a pair of bull's horns and matador's cape?

Did you know James Dean wore pants with a 30-32-inch waist?

Did you know that James Dean sometimes suffered from insomnia?

Did you know that Donald Turnipseed, the man who collided with James Dean in his fatal crash, was left stranded on the highway and had to hitchhike home to Tulare?

Did you know that during the summer of 1950, James Dean worked as an athletic instructor for the Los Angeles military academy?

Did you know that In 1955, James Dean had a Siamese kitten he named Marcus after his cousin Marcus Winslow?

Did you know James Dean liked black motorcycle boots and also wore sneakers and penny loafers?

Did you know that James Dean was a pole-vault champion on the Fairmount High School track and field team?

Did you know that the books in James Dean's personal library ranged from The Bible to "Charlotte's Web" and included works from James Witcomb Riley, Shakespeare and Oscar Wilde.

Did you know that James Dean's teeth were not real? Because of his urge to pull stunts as a youth, Jimmy broke two of his front teeth. For the rest of his life he had to wear a bridge, which was at one point made by his father, who was a dental technician.

Did you know that James Dean weighed 155 pounds and that his eyes were blue?

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